Praise the Lord for the many opportunities to share the Good News this past year through numerous platforms: radio, Internet, phone apps, and social media. Pray that the Gospel will reach the spiritually hungry in every corner of the world.
December 7th
Please keep Liangyou Theological Seminary in China in your prayers. Pray for God’s protection upon our students and our radio listeners.
Preparing for Advent (Ep. 63)
Join us as we welcome Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth of Revive Our Hearts to talk with Ed about her new book “The First Songs of Christmas.” Nancy shares how redemption for the world is the theme that connects the songs about Jesus’ birth. Along the way Ed and Nancy share their love for the message of the Gospel and shared commitment …
December 6th
Pray for the country of Myanmar. Struggling through several COVID surges and a military coup, people are devastated. Pray for FEBC’s radio programs to offer light during dark days. Pray for the broadcasting team to feel God’s presence and protection.
December 5th
Praise God for the impact of 14 radio stations in South Korea. “My faith has been restored,” wrote one listener. Pray for many more to turn to the Lord.
December 4th
Please pray for the continued reach of listeners through our shortwave broadcasts. Shortwave is still the only way many ethnic groups and persecuted people can learn about God and the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ.
December 3rd
Pray for this listener from Indonesia who wrote: “I haven’t worked since COVID struck. I don’t know what to do but cry out and place my hope in Jesus. Your team visited our family and gave us some rice and noodles. I’m so grateful for FEBC’s spiritual programs; they have strengthened my faith and helped me understand God.” The Lord is using this difficult time to bring many to Him; please pray for a huge harvest of new believers.
December 2nd
In September, FEBC launched a new Evangelism Center in the capital city of Kiev, Ukraine. The center includes broadcast studios, conference room and an area for phone counselors to answer listener questions. Please ask God to use this new center in a mighty way, to reach many in Ukraine with the Good News.
December 1st
Pray that God’s Word will minister hope and peace into the lives of FEBC listeners and His truth will bring restoration to those struggling with physical, mental, or spiritual issues.
November 30th
Praise God for the additional million people who visited FEBC websites in 2020! During the pandemic, far more people turned to God for hope and direction. Please pray for renewed lives in Christ as a result of those challenging days!