The Bible is clear that God has a heart for the nations. In this episode we’ll welcome back Pastor and radio broadcaster, Philip De Courcy, to help us see that the Gospel is good news that travels well. We’ll turn to several passages that reveal how the message of Christ crosses cultural boundaries and national borders…Until All Have Heard. You …
November 8th
Our broadcasts into Vietnam began in the early 1950s; we are now heard in numerous ethnic languages and Vietnamese. Please pray for protection for our team. Pray that the youth, who are more open to the Gospel, will lead their parents to faith.
November 7th
“I live every day depending upon Jesus,” writes a listener from Japan. “I remain connected to Jesus through FEBC where I receive spiritual nourishment.” Please remember the people of Japan in your prayers; with less than 1% of the population Christian, many are without hope, especially during difficult times like the pandemic.
November 6th
Reaching the unreached continues to be our top priority, and recently we added 3 new languages to our broadcast schedule, allowing us to reach people groups previously unreached. It’s a challenge, however, to find ethnic broadcasters strong in their faith, equipped to produce programs, and willing to commit to a daily broadcasting schedule. Please pray that we will find qualified individuals so that many more will hear the Good News.
November 5th
A listener from Indonesia shared: “The COVID-19 pandemic makes it difficult to go to church. With these current conditions, we’re very blessed by your programs. Thank you for your broadcasts that have meant so much to us and many others.” Pray that many will seek hope during these difficult days and find hope in the person of Jesus Christ.
November 4th
Every year, thanks to the generosity of our donors, thousands of radios are distributed to people who have no means to purchase their own. Many of these radios are pre-tuned to FEBC, where listeners can hear the Good News. For some, it is the first time they have heard that God loves them and has a plan for their lives. Please pray for continued support to deliver more radios in 2022.
November 3rd
Please pray for our brothers and sisters in China, struggling with strict laws enacted by the government to control the Church. Children under the age of 18 are forbidden to receive religious education and many houses of worship have been torn down. Pray that God will give Chinese believers courage and wisdom. Also pray for our staff who are committed to sharing the Gospel despite enormous challenges.
November 2nd
Praise God for the 80 Bible study students in Cambodia who recently completed their studies in the Old and New Testaments. God’s Word changed many lives beyond the 80 who studied the Bible. Estimates of 100-200 people came to faith as a result of this study! Please pray that more will enroll in the 2022 Bible study.
The Gospel Net (Ep. 58)
Ed welcomes radio broadcaster Philip De Courcy to help us understand what it means to be a “fisher of men.” You’ll want to have your Bible in hand as we walk through the passage in Luke where we find the call to take up “The Gospel Net.” Let’s learn how we can experience the joy of fishing for lost souls…Until …
November 1st
Please pray for Eugene, an FEBC broadcaster in Russia whose program Good Day has an audience of one million listeners, especially young people who often struggle with the challenges of life. Eugene’s counsel has brought many to faith and averted a number of suicides. Pray for Eugene’s health and continued success reaching many for Christ.