Our Mongolia team recently launched a Heroes of Faith program that aims to show people how they can live changed lives in Christ like people in the Bible. Pray they will tune in regularly and follow the example of those they discover in God’s Word.
October 30th
Praise God for the reach of radio! With so many people living in remote places, radio and media has the power to reach them with God’s love.
October 29th
Pray for believers in Kazakhstan. Pray they will remain firm in their faith and be bold in sharing the Gospel with others.
From Reindeer Herders to Hitchhikers: Reaching all of Mongolia
Whether it’s a local salesman picking up hitchhikers or a nomadic family of reindeer herders, the Gospel is reaching the people of Mongolia and making a difference. This country of around 3 million people is one of the most sparsely populated places on the planet. On average, there are only 5 people per square mile. In a country with such remote outposts and scattered minority groups, …
Unreached in Focus: Mongolia
Thirty years ago, Mongolia was a Soviet state. Communism and atheism were the country’s official beliefs, but many also practiced Buddhism and Shamanism. There were no more than eight known Christian believers in the entire nation. During the 1989 Lausanne Congress in the Philippines, hundreds of Christian leaders and missionaries focused their prayers on Mongolia asking God for a breakthrough. …
October 28th
Pray for the Hmong, a transnational people group living in Southeast Asia. Many have come to faith through FEBC’s Hmong broadcasts.
October 27th
Oftentimes, FEBC broadcasts can be the only source of spiritual nourishment for persecuted believers around the world. Pray for safety as they listen in secret, in closets, under covers…wherever they can tune in and hear God’s message without interference from others.
October 26th
Please pray for those in the Middle East who do not have access to a Bible. Many of our listeners record our programs so they can remain encouraged. Pray that many will come to know, love and follow Jesus.
The Ministry Hub (Ep. 57)
Are you timid in your faith? What would it take to ignite a greater commitment to Christ? Listen as Ed reports on his latest trip to our ministry headquarters in Kiev, Ukraine. You’ll hear about the ways FEBC is sharing the Gospel to millions through radio, social media and phone counseling. You’ll be challenged as Ed shares about our staff …
October 25th
Pray for our Liangyou Theological Seminary in China, a 2-year program that has been offered online ever since the pandemic struck. Please pray for teachers and students alike.