Listeners in some of the most remote areas of Southeast Asia often write to share their stories of how Christ has transformed their lives after listening to a shortwave Gospel broadcast. Here are several: LAOS “I live in Laos with my family. I was once married, but my husband and I broke up. I was distraught but my father, who …
The Bridge Back (Ep. 53)
Singer/songwriter and Bible teacher, Michael Card joins the podcast to talk about kinship with believers around the globe. Ed, Wayne, and Michael talk about the ways other cultures can teach American Christians. Michael also shares his experiences with people in poverty and difficult circumstances, who are still rich in faith. You’ won’t want to miss this conversation that will inspire …
September 27th
Followers of Christ in the Middle East experience immense persecution. Pray that they will feel God’s presence in their lives, despite ostracism from others. Pray, too, for a change of heart for those who violently oppose Christianity.
September 26th
Please pray for our radio coverage in Cambodia. Pray that the staff who develop programs will be led by the Holy Spirit to develop content that is effective at reaching the hearts of listeners.
September 25th
Please pray for believers in Kazakhstan to feel the peace and love of Jesus. Islam is the prevailing faith in this country, which makes it difficult for those who follow Christ. Pray that FEBC broadcasts will inspire those who trust in the Lord.
September 24th
Please pray that people in Mozambique will tune into our Gospel broadcasts and come to know their Savior. Pray for the physical and spiritual protection of those who are following Jesus.
The Whole Village Came to Faith in Jesus
The Great Commission is inseparable from the mission of the church. While there are many lost people in every nation, about one-third of the world’s population is considered unreached. This means they have little chance of ever hearing the Gospel in their heart language unless it comes from the outside. Therefore, evangelizing the unreached is mission-critical and needs the focused …
September 23rd
Thank the Lord for the ways He helps us forgive others. A listener from India shared: “I made the decision to forgive all those who mistreated me throughout my life, and I called them one by one to talk to them.” Please pray for our broadcasts all over the world that specifically discuss forgiveness and the changed lives that result when people choose to forgive.
September 22nd
Please pray for FEBC staff in eastern Ukraine, who are answering calls on a telephone helpline to assist those in need of prayer and support. The helpline has also been a source of hope for people during the pandemic. Please pray for our team to be inspired by the Holy Spirit as they minister to hurting souls.
September 21st
“I tried to find peace but it never lasted,” wrote a listener from Moldova, in eastern Europe. “I listened [to your broadcasts] and your words pierced me. I knew I needed Jesus.” Please pray that many more hearts will respond to Jesus’ call on their life.