Join Ed and Wayne as we celebrate one year of podcasting! There have been a lot of great conversations and wonderful opportunities to meet our friends and dedicated staff at FEBC. To honor this milestone edition, we want to feature a listener story that highlights the complexities of bringing a person to faith in one of the most hard to …
September 20th
Please pray for sensitive areas in Northeast Africa. Efforts to share the Good News in this part of the continent require prayer for spiritual and physical protection. Pray that the Holy Spirit will work in the hearts of those inclined towards violence and unrest.
September 19th
In Laos, cell phones are becoming accessible to many more people, providing opportunities to use new media to reach listeners with the Gospel. However, the government is very strict and monitors cell phone use. Please pray that these challenges will not deter the Gospel from reaching hungry souls.
September 18th
Please pray for the health and well-being of people all over the world as many continue to grapple with the despair brought about by COVID-19. Pray that God will reveal himself in mighty ways to those who are sick or grieving.
September 17th
Please pray for FEBC Heartline Radio in Indonesia. A steady stream of listener feedback indicates that people are learning about God and understanding Jesus’ work on the cross. Pray that our broadcasters will be inspired as they create content that will impact the hearts of those who tune in.
September 16th
Please pray for Iraq FM, a partner station, that they might have opportunities to expand their radio network. May the Lord open the hearts and ears of those who will hear the saving message of the Gospel.
September 15th
A listener from Thailand shared: “God now plays a larger role in my life because of your Bible Correspondence course. I thank God that He changed my life. I am now more patient, and He saved me from evil, as people who live near me practice black magic. I trust and put my faith in God.” Please pray for this listener’s continuing relationship with Jesus and ask God to reveal Himself to others through this Bible study.
September 14th
Pray that God will continue to bless and guide our efforts to reach Myanmar, despite the continuing military coup severely impacting the country. FEBC broadcasts currently reach several people groups, many of whom would otherwise never hear the Good News. Please pray for those who may be hearing the message of Jesus Christ for the first time to trust in Him.
A Shared Vision (Ep. 51)
How can we make the most of these turbulent times? Hear Ed and Wayne talk about this with the President of the Moody Bible Institute, Dr. Mark Jobe. You’ll experience the joy of these good friends discussing the way FEBC and MBI have a shared vision for making the most of the opportunities they have to proclaim the Gospel. Be …
September 13th
“I began studying the Bible through FEBC radio,” a Hmong listener from Southeast Asia told us. “Whenever radios were being distributed, I would take several to my village but there were never enough. So now everyone in our village listens together, just to be able to hear your programs. Thank you!”