Today, pray for the spiritual and physical protection of churches around the world. FEBC strives to partner with local churches, as this is a great way for new believers to grow in their faith after they have been exposed to the Gospel through radio. Pray that Christians all over the world will find community and discipleship within a body of believers.
September 11th
Pray that God will inspire our team in Kyrgyzstan to effectively reach audiences through radio and social media. Pray, too, that the hearts of those who tune into FEBC will be open to hearing the Gospel.
September 10th
FEBC’s programs into Japan are transmitted from our South Korea field, as religious radio stations are not allowed within the borders of Japan. These programs are currently one of the only Christian media outlets for listeners in Japan. Pray that believers will feel restored by God’s love and encouraged to share with others.
September 9th
A Russia listener shared: “I wish I could have had the opportunity [to know the Lord] much earlier in my life. I believe that God has a plan for my son’s life as well. If He loves me that much, I know He loves my little boy as well.” Praise God for this listener’s newfound faith! Pray that both she and her son will grow in their walk with the Lord.
September 8th
Please pray for the 20 ethnic language broadcasts available to people living in Vietnam. Pray that those who speak these languages will tune into our programs and come to know God personally by hearing His Word in their native language. Pray, too, for the many programs produced in Vietnamese.
September 7th
In Mongolia, broadcasts are aired in the Mongolian language through 13 FM radio stations 24 hours a day. Praise God that there is constant access to the Gospel message on these stations.
Eye on the Mission (Ep. 50)
In this conversation we’ll go deep about ways God has prepared Ed to serve in the role of FEBC president. Then we’ll hear about an international Zoom staff meeting and the importance of keeping on mission. You’ll want your Bible in hand as Ed and Wayne explore several passages that underpin the vision behind FEBC’s radio ministry. You won’t want …
September 6th
Today, pray for FEBC donors who honor God through their gifts that ensure that even the hardest to reach areas of the world have access to God’s Word. Please pray that the Lord will continue to provide funds for FEBC to do His work.
September 5th
Praise God for the opportunities He has given us to reach listeners in North Korea, despite the oppressive religious restrictions that bind this country. Pray that the Lord will continue to penetrate spiritual barriers and save lost souls.
September 4th
Please pray for FEBC’s newest station in Chad located in an area where political unrest takes place. Pray for the safety of the staff and for the Gospel broadcasts to have a lasting impact on listeners’ hearts.