Today, please pray for the Yao in Malawi. Ask the Holy Spirit to use our programs to impact the hearts of Yao listeners. Pray, too, for those who put their faith in Christ to continue to grow in their personal relationship with Him.
September 2nd
Gospel broadcasts provide hope for listeners, such as this woman from Pakistan: “Your broadcasts are encouraging us at this very difficult time. We are poor and live in a remote village. My husband had a daily job but is now sick and cannot work. When I listen to your programs, I feel that all hope is not lost.” Please pray that this listener and her husband will both be strengthened by the message of God’s faithfulness!
September 1st
A listener from India shares: “My constant companion was my radio. One day I happened to listen to a program about forgiveness and overcoming bitterness. This made me think about my life and I realized I was holding on to on all the bad things that happened to me.” Please pray for this listener as she continues to learn more about the power of forgiveness through Jesus Christ.
August 31st
Please pray for our team in Taiwan, who assist in the daily production of Mandarin programming, along with FEBC teams in Hong Kong, Canada and the U.S. Please pray for the Lord to inspire staff as they work together to produce 23.75 hours of Mandarin broadcasts every day.
Lesson from a Life Journey (Ep. 49)
Have you faced obstacles when you were following the Lord? Ed and Wayne talk with a FEBC board member Bonnie Ho who has an amazing story to tell. Hear Bonnie detail the twists and turns in her journey with FEBC, and about her work now as Principle with the Pui Tak Christian School in Chicago. Get an up-close perspective on …
August 30th
In Laos, the Gospel is becoming more available through social media. For example, FEBC’s Hmong Radio program is currently accessible through Facebook and YouTube. Praise God for these opportunities for listeners to encounter the Gospel; pray that hearts will be changed as a result of hearing the truth.
August 29th
Data speaks loudly; the following numbers attest to God using your gifts to change lives through radio and other technology: last year alone, we received over 148 million listener engagements and responses to the Gospel. Praise God for these numbers, because numbers represent people. Pray that many will come to faith in the Lord!
August 28th
Please pray for women in India. As a marginalized gender, they often face discrimination, violence, and abuse. Pray that through Gospel-based programs, social media, and follow-up ministry, the Lord will work in these women’s lives to bring healing and encouragement.
August 27th
In Mali, Gospel content is produced in 7 languages. Praise God for the opportunity to reach many people in this country and ask that He will provide continued protection for FEBC’s staff as they develop more programs.
August 26th
A listener in Cambodia shared: “Your child safety program touched my heart as a mother to learn how to protect and love my children. Thank you for encouraging me to be a good mother and bring hope to my children.” We’re grateful for the many listeners who tune in to learn good parenting and relationship skills. As they listen, they also hear messages from the Bible. By so doing, many come to faith. Pray that many more will find Jesus through media.