Pray that our broadcasts into North Korea will continue to reach more listeners in this tightly controlled country. Pray that the Holy Spirit will open the hearts of listeners.
August 7th
Earlier this year, FEBC International’s newest station in Chad was a target of arson three times. Please pray for our efforts in this north-central African country despite the many challenges, particularly ongoing political instability.
August 6th
In Pakistan, Christians struggle with persecution on a daily basis. Please ask God to guide FEBC’s efforts here; we are committed to reaching the people in this heavily Muslim country as well as encouraging believers.
August 5th
Please pray for ethnic programmers in the Philippines as they produce Gospel broadcasts in various languages and dialects. Reaching people in their native language is essential to changing a person’s heart.
Mission to Save Russia’s Next Generation
Russia is one of the hardest places in the world to be a teenager. From Moscow, Ellia (FEBC Russia) shares, “It is a norm for the fathers of today’s teens [in Russia] to drink to excess.” As a result of rampant alcoholism by their parents, children are often abused or even abandoned. Unfortunately, because of what young people face every …
Providing Hope for Suicidal Teenagers in Russia
When Russian broadcaster Eugene goes on the air, he uses his background in counseling to comfort and encourage the many young listeners that tune in. Dozens of teens have shared with Eugene that they were persuaded not to take their lives after hearing about the hope of Christ. One nineteen-year-old listener named Andrey said, “My thinking changed dramatically when I …
August 4th
Please pray for believers in Yemen who are disowned by their family members and friends when they discover they have turned to Christ. Pray that they will find comfort in their relationship with Jesus and grow in their faith through FEBC International radio programs.
August 3rd
Praise God for the work He is doing in eastern Ukraine! A telephone hotline was developed to help people in distress during the pandemic. FEBC staff handled 1,500 calls every month, listening, praying and helping people in need get connected to local churches. Pray that many will come to know Jesus and trust in Him.
Atheist Doctors Find Christ Through Covid-19
A few months ago, FEBC Russia received the following testimony from a Russian doctor sharing how she and her medical team had been listening to Gospel programming in-between calls and shifts. She does not come from a Christian background but is moving closer to Jesus every day. It’s incredible to consider how God is touching the hearts of people in …
Imagining Redemption (Ep. 45)
The world’s best athletes are gathered in Tokyo to compete before a global audience. This week, as we think about the sports we hold in common, let’s take a minute to consider the way our belief in Jesus binds people together in all nations. Join Ed and Wayne as we feature a parade of the redeemed. Find out how these …