We’re encouraged by listener responses from Laos, who can access our ethnic language broadcasts. Additionally, house churches are growing and many listeners are coming to faith, despite an authoritarian government that monitors its people closely and frowns on Christianity. Please pray that many will hear the Good News and respond.
August 1st
Many times testimonies from listeners reveal the impact of God’s Word on their lives. A listener from China told us: “By listening to Gospel radio for 3 years, I’ve come to know that Christianity is not superstitious but a true belief. That’s why I made the decision to come to Christ.” Praise God for this changed life!
July 31st
Today, please pray for staff in FEBC’s U.S. office. Pray that the Lord will bless and guide the President and CEO, Ed Cannon, as he relies on the Holy Spirit to lead him every day.
July 30th
India was especially impacted by the pandemic this year. Our staff were forced to work from home and some even became sick, with a spouse and son of one member passing away. Please lift them up in prayer and ask God to give them the strength they need to carry on and produce programs that offer hope in Jesus.
July 29th
A listener from Vietnam shared, “No one ever told me about Jesus. When I moved, I heard about this extraordinary book called the Bible. I read it, listened to your programs and now I understand. Thank you!” Praise the Lord for this listener’s encounter with God. Pray that they will continue to grow in their relationship with Jesus.
July 28th
We praise God for the huge expansion of our reach in Indonesia! We’ve increased from 7 stations to 105, with the addition of 98 new local stations that are airing FEBC’s broadcasts. Please pray that people will hear and respond to the Good News. While Indonesia is the most populated Muslim country in the world, lives are being changed as they hear the Gospel.
July 27th
In Ukraine, FEBC operates 8 FM stations. One of those stations is piped into a Christian Rehab Center in Slavyansk. Pray for the patients who listen to the broadcasts to discover spiritual and physical healing.
Passages and Prayer (Ep. 44)
In this slower time of the year, how can we refresh our thinking and renew our vision for reaching the world? Ed and Wayne talk through some scripture passages that have caught Ed’s attention over this slower time of summer. Along with Bible-based insights, you’ll hear some encouraging stories that will help you pray for FEBC broadcasters who tirelessly proclaim …
July 26th
The Muslim population in Russia is about 20 million. For many, to be Christian is considered counter-cultural here. Despite this, please pray that FEBC broadcasters will help listeners have a change of heart.
July 25th
In Kyrgyzstan, we are successfully reaching a younger audience through social media. Pray that our team will effectively reach new listeners who will want to know more about God and His Son, Jesus Christ.