FEBC International’s newest station in Chad has been the target of 3 arson attacks in the past several months. There is intense political instability in this country. Please pray for our team there as they work to reach the people of Chad despite many challenges.
July 13th
Please pray for the protection of churches around the world. FEBC partners with local churches in countries where we serve. While our radio programs lead many to the Lord, our hope is that local churches will play a vital role in a new believer’s life through community and discipleship.
Pandemic Report (Ep. 42)
COVID cases in the US are dropping and so are restrictions. But what is true in America is not the experience for many around the world. Listen as Ed and Wayne talk about the continued challenges of the global pandemic and how FEBC is actively sharing the hope of Christ. We’ll feature some listeners stories and point out how you …
July 12th
Please pray for the people of Japan who struggle with the idea of changing their identity when they adopt a foreign religion, which is how Christianity is often perceived here. Pray that the Japanese will come to understand that following Jesus is not a Western belief, but a gift designed by God for all people. Pray, too, for our staff, who are committed to sharing this message daily through radio.
July 11th
Please pray that our programs will provide encouragement to those who are spiritually oppressed in Pakistan, where persecution against Christians is intense. Pray for God’s hand upon the radio staff, as they produce programs and interact with listeners who contact them.
July 10th
Please continue to pray for restoration in countries around the world decimated by COVID-19. Pray for those who became sick and are still struggling with symptoms, those who lost loved ones, and those who faced loss of jobs and financial ruin. Pray that many will turn to the Lord and He will offer comfort and hope during these days of uncertainty.
July 9th
In the Philippines there are over 180 indigenous people groups and almost half of them have their own language or dialect. Please pray for broadcasters laboring to produce Gospel programs in the heart language of many different ethnic groups.
Parking-Lot Preaching in Indonesia
In Indonesia, an extraordinarily creative way to meet with other believers for church services is occurring in a very unlikely place—a parking lot! In cooperation with local churches, FEBC Indonesia has harnessed the broadcasting power of its radio network to organize weekly drive-in church services. Families are now coming together to worship, listen to a live message on the radio, …
July 8th
Praise the Lord that He is using FEBC broadcasts to change people’s negative beliefs about themselves. A listener from Russia shared, “I always tried to earn love. I was shocked to hear that God loves me just as I am. Thank you for this message of grace!” Pray for our listeners to discover that Jesus loves them unconditionally.
July 7th
Many testimonies we receive indicate listeners are unaware they can have a deep, personal relationship with God. They believe He is too big or too far away to care about them, until they learn of His love. Praise God that He is a loving Father to everyone who calls upon His name.