“Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear…” (Mark 4:9). Jesus often repeated this phrase at the end of His parables. Not everyone who heard Him understood His teaching—some had no desire to understand—but He invited them all the same. People whose hearts were open to the Good News of the Kingdom learned and listened. Seeds were planted and some …
June 3rd
Today please pray for Liangyou Theological Seminary in China. New programs and curriculums have recently been added. Pray that seminary students will develop an even deeper relationship with Jesus and be a light to others.
June 2nd
Praise God for the ways He is using FEBC to speak to listeners who might otherwise never hear the Gospel message, like this listener from Africa: “During the night I switch on the radio to listen to your programs. I cannot wait until that time comes, because I love listening to this little radio – to the songs, to the teachings; that is my church. This is how I came to know and believe in Jesus Christ. I have never met a Christian; all that I know I have learned from your broadcasts. Thank you.”
June 1st
Please pray for our FEBC staff around the world. Ask God to guide them in their daily ministry decisions that ultimately brings glory to Him!
A Day to Remember (Ep. 37)
Memorial Day marks a time to honor those who have sacrificed for the nation. But is also a time to remember those who have left a lasting legacy in our lives. We’ll get to do that as Ed talks with our Russia ministries director Victor Ahkterov about the story of his father. We’ll learn about his sacrifice for the gospel …
May 31st
In Vietnam, FEBC produces programs in 20 ethnic languages, in addition to the Vietnamese language. Pray that many will be reached and impacted by the Gospel. Pray, too, that many more will have the opportunity to hear and call upon the name of the Lord.
May 30th
Praise God for the program Light of Hope that is heard through the Internet and plays a key role in bringing the Gospel to people of different ages in Yemen. Pray that many more people will discover this online ministry as they seek answers to their questions.
May 29th
FEBC broadcasters invest much time and effort into sharing Gospel messages concerning forgiveness and love for one another. Praise God for a testimony we heard from Indonesia where a listener was prompted to repair a ruptured family relationship after listening to an FEBC broadcast about forgiveness.
May 28th
A listener from China shares, “You are greatly used by God; I hope you know that your efforts have brought forth a harvest, and there is a small fruit right here.” Praise God for the notes of encouragement that we receive that remind us that every soul matters!
May 27th
Please pray for Iraq FM’s Middle East coordinator. Ask that the Lord will encourage and strengthen him as he and many others work to share the life-changing message of Jesus Christ in this difficult country.