In eastern Ukraine, soldiers serving in conflict zones can access FEBC broadcasts. Pray that these soldiers will be changed by the Gospel and share their newfound faith with friends and family when they return home.
Anchored in God’s Word (Ep. 36)
What would you be willing to give up in order to hold on to your faith? Join us as Ed continues his conversation with Pastor Mike Fabarez about the eternal foundation of the scriptures in hard times. We’ll hear how the solid truth in the Bible anchors believers around the world who face great opposition for their faith…Until All Have …
May 25th
Due to the sensitivity of certain regions in Africa, FEBC cannot always share specifics of the work taking place throughout this continent. Pray for Africa and the regions where the Gospel is penetrating spiritual barriers.
May 24th
Please continue to pray for the Lord to bring in the funds to purchase portable radios to distribute around the world. FEBC hears stories of a single radio serving an entire village, as many people gather together to listen to our broadcasts.
May 23rd
Please pray for our Russian language programs in Moldova. FEBC programs are currently heard on seven radio stations. Pray that many who have never heard the Good News will tune in and respond to this remarkable gift.
May 22nd
Long ago, Mongolia was a Buddhist nation but later endorsed atheism due to the Soviet Union’s impact. In the early part of the 21st century, missionaries began flocking to Mongolia as well as Christian media, and Mongolians began responding to the message of salvation. Pray that many more in Mongolia will hear the Good News and come to faith.
May 21st
A listener from Russia writes, “I thought that it would be impossible for God to understand me, being so great and distant. But as you spoke to me and quoted the Bible, I got excited! You made me think about some very important questions. I want to read what the Bible says about it for myself now.” Please pray that the Lord will continue to use FEBC broadcasts to reveal His love to this listener.
May 20th
Today, pray for FEBC as we wait on God to show us His plan in one of the more recent ministry opportunities in Chad. Please pray for future efforts in this majority Muslim country where the Gospel is often not welcome.
May 19th
Please pray for the FEBC broadcasts heard at a Christian Rehab Center in Slavyansk, Ukraine. FEBC programs have helped many rehab listeners find a renewed sense of purpose in life through faith in Jesus Christ. We have received many testimonies of individuals who found freedom from addiction and joined a local church. Praise God!
May 18th
The Hmong are an ethnic group who reside in several countries throughout Southeast Asia. Many practice animism. Pray that FEBC broadcasts will move them to commit their lives to Jesus and turn from their empty religion.