FEBC distributes Gospel Speaker Boxes (mp3 audio players) in India where many have not yet heard the Good News in their own language. Pray that people will listen and accept Jesus as their personal Savior.
May 9th
Praise God for this listener in Laos who shared, “When I came to know God through your programs, I learned to trust Him and now my life is different. I’m very happy God used you to teach me how to trust Him.” Pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to encourage this listener and their testimony will make an impact on others.
May 8th
Today, please be in prayer for FEBC’s on-air seminary in China called Liangyou Theological Seminary. This is a two-year intensive program where students grow in their biblical knowledge and personal walk with Christ. Since there are few seminaries in China, this on-air course helps train many who want to be pastors or Bible study leaders.
May 7th
A listener from western Ukraine contacted FEBC to share how her relationship with Jesus helped sustain her during a depressing season in her life. Praise God for this woman’s testimony! Please pray that He will continue to use FEBC to encourage listeners.
May 6th
Our Philippines team oversees 13 FM stations throughout this island nation. Pray for listeners to discover true hope that can only be found in the saving message of the Gospel of Jesus.
May 5th
Pray for our team in Taiwan, one of five production centers that broadcast into Mainland China. Pray that God will continue to inspire our staff, as they write and produce 13 programs every week.
May 4th
Family FM broadcasts 16.5 hours daily out of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Please pray that the Cambodian people will understand that Jesus’ gift of salvation is meant for all people; many in Asia perceive Christianity to be a Western faith only and not applicable to them.
Prayer Target (Ep. 33)
What is the true power source for a broadcaster? Though our transmitters need electricity, there’s another power that moves through FEBC’s broadcasts. Listen as Ed and Wayne talk with Sandra Jensen about the spiritual pulse beat of our ministry. After this conversation you’ll want to click the “prayer” button on febc.org to be a part of our “Prayer Target” program…Until …
May 3rd
The Yao people of Malawi are culturally Muslim and often very resistant to Christianity. Pray that their hearts will be open to the Good News when they tune into our broadcasts.
May 2nd
Today, please be in prayer for FEBC broadcasts throughout China and Hong Kong; praise the Lord for the opportunities He has given us to reach this huge nation. Our local broadcasts to the citizens of Hong Kong are thriving and the number of downloads to our programs has seen a great increase over last year!