Church partnerships play a vital role in the lives of seekers and new believers.
March 29th
Today, pray for a woman in Thailand who has recently given her life to Christ. She has health problems and family issues that wounded her deeply. Pray that she will find restoration in Jesus.
Our Suffering Savior (Ep. 28)
Why is the suffering of Christ so important to remember during Holy Week? What can we learn from believers around the world who experience joy as they face extremely difficult circumstances? Listen as Ed and Wayne talk about the connection our suffering Savior makes with a world of pain…Until All Have Heard.
March 28th
In Indonesia, FEBC programs are heard in the Bahasa-Indonesian language, as well as 6 additional ethnic languages. Indonesia is the largest Muslim-dominant country in the world, where Islam has a very strong influence. Pray that the Lord will strengthen believers, since choosing Jesus is a counter-cultural decision.
March 27th
The Children’s Bible Story ministry in Yemen has the potential to bless many children and their families with the saving message of the Gospel. Please pray for this ministry and the hearts of those who will listen.
The Teaching that Doesn’t Lead to Death
Mu-Ling was desperately seeking for truth. Like the rest of the Shan people—an ethnic group in northern Thailand and Myanmar—he was Buddhist and his home was filled with idols. Yet he knew there had to be more. In his own words, he was seeking “the teaching that doesn’t lead to death.” These are people who may live their entire lives …
March 26th
In Vietnam, FEBC distributes Gospel Speaker Boxes that deliver Gospel content. We also offer mobile apps and programs for the hard of hearing. Pray that many will respond to God’s love.
March 25th
Iraq FM reaches listeners in a country where Christian persecution is a grave reality. Please pray that the programs will inspire listeners to follow Jesus. Pray, too, for those who have already put their faith in Jesus to feel God’s love.
March 24th
Pray that the Lord will continue to create opportunities for FEBC broadcasts to reach listeners in North Korea. Pray, too, that the Holy Spirit will open the hearts of listeners in this totalitarian- run country.
March 23rd
Please pray for a Christian Rehab Center in Slavyansk, Ukraine, where FEBC programs are broadcast over their intercom system.