October 20th

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There are about 37 million Cantonese speakers in the world. In China, FEBC produces a Cantonese radio program called “Soooradio.” Pray that this program will reach listeners who are hungry for the Lord.

Losing Everything (Ep 5)

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What does it take to reach the Muslim world for Christ? Learn from the story of a man in Pakistan who lost everything when he came to faith in Christ. The rich joy in his heart is a testimony to the world that following Christ is worth the cost. In this edition Ed and Wayne discuss why the message of …

October 18th

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There are more than 20 million cultural Muslims living throughout Russia. Please be praying for FEBC programmers as they work to develop programs to inspire hearts to follow Jesus Christ

October 17th

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A listener in Kazakhstan shared, “I found your program and my life was revolutionized. I don’t know what’s happening, but I feel that suddenly God stepped into my daily existence and everything will be different.”

October 16th

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FEBC Myanmar strives to build relationships with listeners who contact the station. While the staff mainly focuses on helping nonbelievers, they also help Christian listeners grow in their faith.

God at Work in Kyrgyzstan

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 Kyrgyzstan is a relatively small nation nestled on the border of China in the heart of Asia. Less than 1% of this culturally Muslim nation profess Christian faith. With a population of 6.3 million, it is one of the least reached countries in the world. Yet God is at work in Kyrgyzstan in surprising ways. People are hungry for …