The Muslim population in Russia numbers 20 million. Pray for FEBC broadcasts to be used by the Holy Spirit to reach these people with the message of God’s grace through Jesus Christ.
March 14th
Due to decades of Soviet influence, the people of Mongolia embraced atheism, but retain a strong Buddhist background.
March 13th
In the northeastern region of Mozambique, people are either Muslim or animist. Please pray for FEBC Gospel broadcasts to inspire these unreached people to put their faith in Jesus.
March 12th
Please pray for our new podcast ministry launched recently by our team in Hong Kong, China. Through it, we hope to reach a younger, more sophisticated generation through this rapidly arising media.
March 11th
Today, please pray for FEBC teams around the world. Questions about faith are often raised when listeners call into our stations; pray that God will give our follow-up staff discernment and wisdom as they answer questions and lead listeners to Jesus.
March 10th
Our Khmu broadcasters have been reaching many in Laos since the 1980s when we first started this ethnic language program. Pray for the many pastors within Laos who use FEBC broadcasts to lead people to Christ. Pray, too, for many more to respond to the Gospel.
March 9th
In the Philippines, FEBC can be heard on 12 AM/FM stations, but we also operate powerful shortwave transmitters here that transmit programs in 43 languages to China and Southeast Asia.
New Ways, Same Word (Ep. 25)
Passion, boldness, courage…what keeps these traits alive and well after 75 years of ministry? Hear about the life and legacy of FEBC founder, Dr. Bob Bowman and his urgency to share the Gospel…Until All Have Heard. Podcast Transcript [Wayne]: This is “Until All Have Heard.” I’m Wayne Shepherd. I’m with Ed Cannon, the current president of the Far East …
March 8th
In Myanmar, there is immense social pressure to be Buddhist as this is the cultural norm here; the practice of Christianity is greatly restricted.
March 7th
In Mali, Gospel content is broadcast in 7 languages. Praise God for the opportunity to reach many people in this country. Pray that He will provide continued protection for FEBC staff as they produce these programs.