In sensitive areas of Northeast Africa, intensive fighting can cause threats to the infrastructure of FEBC partnerships.
March 5th
Today, pray for the hearts of people in Pakistan to be open to the Gospel message.
March 4th
Today, lift up women in India. As a marginalized gender in this country, they often face discrimination, violence, and abuse. Pray that through FEBC programs, social media, and follow-up ministry, the Lord will work in these women’s lives to bring comfort and healing.
March 3rd
Thailand is a predominantly Buddhist country. Through FEBC, many people have developed a personal relationship with Jesus
March 2nd
FEBC’s newest radio station in Osh, Kyrgyzstan is the sixth to join a network of FM stations in this country.
Where Roads are Scarce
Roads are scarce in Cambodia’s borderlands, but access to the Gospel is even more scarce. That’s why, when families in the remote western province of Mondulkiri saw Makara and his team arriving with radios, they were overjoyed… Incredibly, one radio given out to a family in this region can reach 25 people with the Gospel. This is because rural communities …
Then and Now (Ep. 24)
What would it take to unlock faith for people in the social media age? Hear from long-time FEBC listeners from Russia and China who were enriched when they discovered new programs on their phones and computers…Until All Have Heard. Podcast Transcript [Ed]: We’ve heard testimonies, Wayne, from listeners in Ukraine who say “I’m not a Christian. I’m not even …
March 1st
Praise God for the ways that He is using FEBC to change lives in Vietnam. A listener shared, “We listen to your programs all day long from a speaker box that you gave us. Thank you!”
February 28th
FEBC recently launched a new FM station in Osh, the second largest city in Kyrgyzstan. Pray for new lives in Christ in this culturally Muslim nation.
February 27th
Praise God for radio! Even in primitive locations, FEBC broadcasts reach beyond borders and high into remote regions to proclaim God’s Word. Pray that many will hear and respond to the Good News.