August 21st

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FEBC broadcasts are available 24/7 in Kyrgyzstan. Pray that these programs will bless listeners and bring change to the lives of those who do not yet know Jesus as their Savior.

August 20th

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A listener in Yemen first heard about Jesus through FEBC broadcasts. He shares: “I felt something change in me as I listened, something like hope.”

August 15th

FEBCPrayer Requests Leave a Comment

Please pray for listeners from Pakistan, such as this man who wrote: “My wife and I listen to you almost every day and thoroughly enjoy your programs that share wisdom from the Bible.”

75 Years of History

FEBCFeatured Video, FEBC Blog 22 Comments

 This year FEBC is celebrating 75 years of boldly proclaiming the Gospel through radio broadcasting, the Internet, and cell phone apps! We rejoice in the Lord’s faithfulness, which has been abundantly evident throughout the years of sharing Jesus Christ to the nations. Today, 4 billion people are within reach of our broadcasts every day and growing because of your partnership! We invite you to watch this video that shows …

August 14th

FEBCPrayer Requests Leave a Comment

Pray for our broadcasts in the Philippines, which currently reach numerous ethnic people groups, many of which have their own language or dialect.