A listener from Malawi shared, “I am very grateful for having received a radio which will help us understand what God says about Jesus Christ. Since many of us are illiterate, the radio will help us grow in our faith.” Please pray for our listeners in Malawi, many of whom rely on the radio for their spiritual food.
February 16th
Please pray for Taiwan, where FEBC produces 12 programs in Mandarin, the official language of the country. In addition, programs are also produced in the Taiwanese and Hakka languages.
A New Direction (Ep. 22)
“Come follow Me”, what would it look like to put those words of Jesus into action. Ed talks with Luke Chang to hear how God’s call has set his life in a new direction. Luke graduated with many degrees and was a successful software engineer with major corporations, but now serves as FEBC’s new Director of Chinese Ministries. Hear his …
February 15th
Romans 10:17 proclaims: “… faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.” FEBC deeply understands the importance of sharing the saving message of the Gospel. Today, pray for the hearts of listeners all over the world, as they tune in and hear the Good News for the first time.
February 14th
Today is Valentine’s Day; a day that celebrates love. Take a moment today to thank our Heavenly Father for the love He demonstrated to us by sending His Son, Jesus, to save our souls.
February 13th
Today, pray for the people of North Korea who will secretly tune into FEBC broadcasts and hear the Good News. Pray that the Holy Spirit will work in their hearts as they listen to God’s amazing grace. Pray, too, that FEBC will be given more opportunities to minister to the people of North Korea.
February 12th
FEBC broadcasts are available in Japan for 75 minutes a day. There are very few Christian resources available in this country; FEBC currently offers the only Christian content through radio. Pray for the encouragement of believers in Japan and for the Lord to use FEBC’s programs in mighty ways.
February 11th
Gospel Speaker Boxes are a powerful way to share the Gospel with listeners living in remote areas where access to the Internet is not readily available. India is one of several countries where Gospel Speaker Boxes (digital audio players) have helped lead people to Christ. Praise God! Please pray for more changed lives.
February 10th
For just over a year, FEBC’s newest radio station in Chad has been broadcasting in 6 ethnic languages. There is a potential listening audience of 2-4 million people. Please pray for protection over this station and the staff.
Not Quiet Anymore (Ep. 21)
A Mongolian cab driver calls us to not be silent about our faith in Christ. Ed and Wayne react to this amazing story of conversion, commitment and courage from an FEBC listener…Until All Have Heard.