August 8th

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Please pray for the health and safety of FEBC team members around the world, as they commit themselves to sharing God’s Word and responding to listeners’ questions.

FEBC’s Role During the Pandemic

FEBCFEBC Blog 4 Comments

Natural disasters…widespread pandemics…wars. Cataclysmic events are shocking and sudden, frightening and life-changing. So, people begin searching…to regain equilibrium…to find hope. For many, this season of soul-searching has led them to seek after God. Every day FEBC faithfully shares God’s message of love and grace with a potential listening audience of 4 billion people. And now, as countries around the world …

August 4th

FEBCPrayer Requests Leave a Comment

Our team in Japan hosts a radio show called Listen to God’s Student, which provides theology students from Tokyo’s Theological University with a platform to discuss various topics from the Bible. Please pray for good listener engagement.