Please pray for the FEBC team in Kyrgyzstan who are striving to reach a younger audience through social media platforms. Pray that God will bless their efforts.
January 12th
Radio offers listeners struggling during the COVID-19 pandemic or living in hostile communities support and hope.
Promise for a Hurting World (Ep 17)
Hear stories of FEBC listeners who have trusted us to guide them through heartbreaking circumstances. Ed opens God’s word to several passages about the promise of hope and a challenge for all of us in times of severe pain. Gain an eternal perspective as we follow Christ in a hurting world…Until All Have Heard.
January 11th
In Yemen, people are responding and turning to Christ. Praise God that they are finding hope in the midst of very challenging circumstances.
January 10th
A listener from Russia shared…
January 9th
Praise God for all the opportunities He gives FEBC to reach people in their heart language. A listener from Malawi shared, “I have heard the truth about who Jesus is in my own tongue.” Pray that He will give FEBC the chance to reach even more people with the Good News.
January 8th
Japan is a country known for having one of the highest suicide rates in the world. Pray that Jesus will speak through FEBC broadcasts to reach those who are broken and desperate for hope.
January 7th
Please pray for listeners in Thailand who are enrolled in FEBC’s Bible Correspondence Course. Pray that they will be encouraged and grow in their faith as they study God’s Word.
January 6th
Today, pray for unreached people in Northeast Africa. FEBC has opportunities to use radio to bring the Gospel message to this region.
January 5th
Today, pray for the people of Yemen. It is among one of the poorest nations in the Arab world.