July 20th

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A listener in South Korea writes: “My family and I were exposed to the amazing grace of God and His unfailing love in the midst of the pandemic thanks to FEBC radio.”

July 19th

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Please pray for our teams in Mongolia. Pray for opportunities to bring the comforting words of Jesus and His message of hope to this nation of 3 million.

July 18th

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Years ago FEBC made the decision to offer Gospel broadcasts in ethnic languages, because people respond best to the Good News in their “heart” language.

July 16th

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Pray for FEBC teams around the world who respond to listeners’ questions about faith. Pray that God will give them wisdom as they share the remarkable gift of salvation.

July 14th

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Pray for the unreached people in Northeast Africa that we are reaching through radio. Pray that many will come to know of God’s love and put their trust in Him alone.

July 13th

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A listener from Russia writes: “I used to listen to you on the radio, but then I found you on social media. I always learn a lot from your programs…”