As the devastating effects of COVID-19 continue, let us pray that the true hope found in Jesus Christ penetrates the fear and hopelessness that so many have been facing.
November 5th
In Cambodia, FEBC staff travel to remote villages to distribute Gospel Speaker Boxes.
November 4th
The people of Eastern Ukraine continue to face great suffering during their ongoing civil unrest.
November 3rd
The Lord is using FEBC to share the Gospel in 86 ethnic languages. Fifty- two of these languages share the Good News via shortwave radio, one of the only ways for remote people groups to be reached.
Hunger for the Word (Ep 7)
As we head into the Holiday season of feasting, Ed and Wayne spotlight a man with a true hunger for God’s Word. This epic story is based on several letters sent to FEBC over the years. It starts with a humble request, and leads to a change of heart and a community that overcomes obstacles for following Jesus. – Until …
November 2nd
Today lift up Liangyou Theological Seminary, FEBC’s on-air seminary in China.
November 1st
Please continue to pray for FEBC leadership around the world. Pray for wisdom and discernment as they lead our teams through programming decisions, personnel issues, and financial considerations.
October 31st
Please pray for our Russian language programs in Moldova. FEBC currently operates 7 radio stations for this purpose. Pray that these broadcasts will speak to every person and help them discover a relationship with Christ.
October 30th
In Mongolia, listeners can call in for counseling and support. Pray that FEBC staff will be given wisdom and discernment to know how to help guide these listeners toward a deeper relationship with Christ.
Feedback from Listeners: November 2020.
2020 has been an extraordinary year. If you only listen to the headlines, it probably seems like the news couldn’t get any worse – but but there is another story unfolding – a God story. All of the unrest has prompted people to seek God and find their hope and strength in His unconditional love through Jesus Christ. Lives are …