Our Dedicated Staff

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 Our staff are incredible. They are dedicated, passionate, and brave in the face of persecution and challenges. Despite hardships like Covid-19 and more, FEBC staff never waver and rise to the challenge. This video is a thank-you to all who have followed God’s leading to work at FEBC and boldy proclaim the Gospel until all have heard!

FEBC and Covid-19

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How FEBC Is Responding While our staff are taking the necessary precautions as dictated by their local governments, our work does not stop. Special programs responding to the pandemic are already being aired, offering encouragement and the hope of the Gospel. With people around the world under quarantine, isolated, and desperately searching for hope, FEBC is uniquely positioned to reach …

May 9th

FEBCPrayer Requests Leave a Comment

FEBC seeks to reach hungry souls with the Good News. At this time when so many people are struggling with fear and anxiety, please pray that God will prepare the hearts and minds of first-time listeners to be open to hearing the Gospel.

Seven Generations

Seven Generations Shaped By Gospel Broadcasts

FEBCFEBC Blog 2 Comments

“It all started with my great, great, great-grandmother, who first tuned into FEBC’s Liangyou Radio in China 50 years ago. Later, after being called by God to become a pastor, my great-grandfather established the Christian faith in our family. I’m the sixth generation of Christians; my children are the seventh. “Our journey of faith was not without difficulties. At a …