A listener from Kyrgyzstan recently shared, “I always thought of others being arrogant. However, your broadcast challenged me to look at myself…”
October 28th
Please pray for staff training in Thailand. FEBC is developing programs on new media to take advantage of different opportunities to reach people with the Gospel message.
October 27th
Today, pray for the relationships that FEBC has established with local church partners around the world.
October 26th
FEBC operates 13 stations in the Philippines. Pray for our listeners in this Southeast Asian country to find hope that can only be found in the saving message of the Gospel.
75 Years on Mission (Ep 6)
In this edition Ed and Wayne invite you to get inside and inspect the details about FEBC. We’ll start with the original vision of our founders Dr. Bob Bowman and John Broger. You’ll find out the location of “Christian Radio City”, the importance of “13 years, 25 days,” and discover who said, “I don’t have one American dime.” And along …
October 25th
A listener from Thailand recently shared, “I listen to the program every day and enjoy it very much…”
October 24th
FEBC’s broadcasts have been reaching the people of Vietnam for decades. Please pray for our teams who produce these programs.
October 23rd
Today, pray for FEBC Taiwan, which is one of five production centers that broadcast into Mainland China. Currently 11 programs are produced in Mandarin, 1 program in Taiwanese and 1 in Hakka.
October 22nd
Praise God for the encouragement that the Gospel message provides!
October 21st
In Cambodia, FEBC’s Family FM station offers broadcasts 16.5 hours daily from Phnom Penh. The broadcasts are mostly in the Khmer language.