April 19th

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In India, speaker boxes help deliver the Gospel message to ethnic people living in remote areas. These are small handheld devices that contain pre-recorded programs on SD cards. Please pray that people will be transformed by what they hear.

April 18th

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Today, lift up FEBC’s president and CEO, Ed Cannon, who serves out of the U.S office. Pray that God will guide him as he makes important daily decisions.

April 17th

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FEBC staff in Myanmar are dedicated to building relationships with their listeners, both Christians and nonbelievers alike. Pray that the staff will continue to seek God’s guidance to connect listeners to Jesus. Pray, too, for an end to the turmoil in this country due to a recent coup where the military deposed the current leader.

April 16th

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In Vietnam, many ethnic groups closely relate their religion to their identity. Please pray that the Lord will use FEBC to share the Good News with them and they will find their new identity in Christ.

Our Vision for Ukraine

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FEBC began airing programs into Ukraine via shortwave in the late 1940s, but it wasn’t until 2013 that the first local FM station began broadcasting the Gospel. Since then, God has provided six more FM stations, reaching many more with the Good News! Yet there is much left to do. Our vision for 2020 is to reach 2 million Ukrainians …

April 15th

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In Mozambique, the prominent religions are Islam and animism. Please pray that unreached people in northeast Mozambique will have access to the Gospel, through radio or other means. Pray, too, for those who are already believers, to grow in their faith.