Pray for FEBC Ukraine as they continue to broadcast in the cities of Kyiv and Ivano-Frankivsk. These two stations are receiving the majority of FEBC Ukraine’s listener responses, especially in Kyiv, the capital. Please pray for the people in this region to hear about the hope of Christ through FEBC’s programs.
January 26th
Praise God for changing lives in Mongolia! A listener recently said: “I heard the Good News on the radio for the first time. My understanding (of Jesus) is growing and I’m so thankful!” Please pray that more hearts will be open to receive the truth of the Gospel in Mongolia.
January 25th
Please pray for people living in Indonesia—the most populous Muslim nation in the world. FEBC has shared the Good News to listeners there for over 50 years. Ask the Lord to guide and direct our team so that more people hear and experience the power of God’s Word and come to faith.
January 24th
Pray for broadcasts being heard in Moldova. Also, pray for our Teen Project, which creates programs for teenagers and invites them to in-person meetings to learn more about Christ and the Bible, pray together, and get to know our local broadcasters in Moldova. Pray for hearts to be open to the Gospel as they build strong relationships in these gatherings.
January 23rd
Please pray for Jurie, the director of our South Africa ministry. He and his team lead efforts in Mozambique, Malawi, Mali, and Chad. Pray also for the broadcasters as they prepare daily and weekly Gospel programs.
January 22nd
Please pray for the unreached people of China and Hong Kong. Many continue to face daily challenges due to the high unemployment rate. May God bring hope to the hearts of the people living there and guide our staff as they continue to share the Good News.
January 21st
Today, pray for Joshua and Nit C. who serve FEBC in Thailand. Pray for guidance as they build relationships with listeners, develop programs for 17 ethnic languages, and manage the details of the growing Khmu ministry.
Heart Softener (Ep. 226)
FEBC has made proclaiming the Gospel to people in the hardest places and with the highest resistance a priority. The idea of “Going into all the world,” comes from Jesus’ words in Matthew 28. As we move into 2025 Ed and Wayne talk about the obstacles FEBC faces as we seek to practice the words of Jesus in the “Great …
January 20th
Take a moment to thank God and praise Him for the millions of people all over the world who have tuned into FEBC today and heard the Good News. Thank the Lord for the seeds that have been planted, and for those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior! May the Gospel continue to be proclaimed… until all have heard.
January 19th
FEBC’s Gospel Speaker Boxes are an effective tool to reach ethnic groups in Southeast Asia. The devices include SD cards with over 130 hours of Gospel programming on each card, allowing listeners to hear broadcasts at any time. Pray that all who listen will be changed by the power of the Gospel.