Please pray for people around the world impacted by COVID-19.
June 4th
In Russia, Natalia is an experienced prison worker; she also hosts an FEBC program that ministers to prisoners and their families.
June 3rd
As a member of the Hmong ethnic people group of Southeast Asia, Pao struggled with persecution and injustice, so hearing the Israelite’s story of deliverance through an FEBC broadcast resonated with him.
June 2nd
A listener from Japan writes: “I have been listening to FEBC since the 2011 earthquake.
June 1st
A few weeks ago in Mozambique, dangerous Jihadists overtook two large towns and threatened to invade the city where FEBC is located.
May 31st
Listeners from Japan tell us that FEBC is the only way they receive faith-based teaching during this time they can’t attend a church service.
May 30th
Please pray for FEBC staff who serve all over the world.
May 29th
In Indonesia, people often share that FEBC broadcasts offer them consolation and strength when they feel lonely.
May 28th
Pray that listeners in Laos will tune into FEBC to hear the Good News.
May 27th
Please continue to pray for the people of the United States, struggling under the weight of the COVID-19 epidemic. Pray for health care workers on the forefront of this battle.