FEBC Philippines owns and operates 13 stations. Pray for the dedicated staff who took turns living in their Manila offices for 2 weeks at a time
July 1st
Pray for people worldwide who became sick from the coronavirus. Pray for renewed strength as they recover their health.
June 30th
FEBC distributes thousands of radios annually to people in need of hope. Please pray that we can raise sufficient funds to restock our radio supply for the year ahead.
June 29th
Pray for the people of Moldova who can now hear FEBC broadcasts on 7 FM stations. Pray for hearts to be softened and lives to be changed by Jesus Christ.
June 28th
Please pray for the spiritual growth of our listeners, such as this man who wrote:
June 27th
In Malawi, FEBC is reaching the Yao, a Muslim people group who are responding to our broadcasts.
June 26th
Pray for our teams who focus on reaching into restricted countries.
June 25th
Pray for the leadership and staff of FEBC Myanmar as they have faced significant challenges and are looking to God to move forward in even greater ways in 2020.
June 24th
Pray for our teams who work tirelessly to reach the unreached with the Good News of Jesus.
June 23rd
In the 1990s, Oleg came to know Christ through FEBC. Now he is a key leader of our Ukraine team.