Thailand Listeners Experience Changed Lives

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FEBC’s Thailand team has seen lots of fruit from the Bible Correspondence Course they offer to local listeners. Here are powerful testimonies that FEBC’s Thailand team received from listeners this month. “Before [listening to FEBC’s programs], I was a depressed person,” said Ma, a listener from the Nonthaburi province. “I was in prison and did not have a good support …

FEBC Begins Broadcasts in Moldova

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For years, FEBC’s leaders have been praying for an opportunity to reach Moldova, a former Soviet republic between Russia and Ukraine, with the gospel. Recently, FEBC partnered with local Moldovan Christians and began broadcasts in seven cities for the very first time. The need for the gospel in Moldova is distinct. One horrific reality is that thousands of young girls …

Cambodia Listener Updates

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In April, FEBC’s Cambodia ministry visited local listeners in two villages of the Kratie Province and also distributed over 60 radios during two nights of worship at a Crusade Outreach program in the Kampong Thom Province. Staff members had the chance to connect with over 100 local listeners in Kratie and, at the worship event, saw 2,000 people attend. On …

Cyclone Kenneth Damages Radio Nuru in Mozambique

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On Thursday, April 25, Cyclone Kenneth hit the far north-eastern part of Mozambique, causing severe damage to FEBC’s Radio Nuru station. 90% of villagers’ homes were lost or severely damaged, including five of our broadcasters and two associate pastors. Immediate needs are temporary shelter and food, as the storm also destroyed local crops. Cyclone Kenneth is the second tropical storm …

Malawi Officially Joins FEBC International

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FEBC International has officially welcomed Malawi into the family as an affiliate member. During a recent International Council Conference (ICC), FEBC’s South Africa director, Dr. Jurie Vermeulen, recommended that Malawi become an affiliate member of FEBC International. The new status of FEBC’s team in Malawi will help increase funding and resources. In the past, FEBC’s team in Malawi was funded …

Wildfire Destroys FEBC Station in Korea

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During the first week of April, a massive wildfire raged through the Gangwon province in South Korea. The fire caused tons of damage to people and property, including FEBC’s Yeongdong station. The first and second floors are destroyed and the third and fourth floors are currently inaccessible due to smoke and dust. Efforts are being made to determine the plan …