In the Philippines, pray that many will tune into FEBC’s hourly national prayer broadcast, as well as a new devotional program designed to lift their spirits and point people to Christ.
April 24th
In Pakistan, social media has been a powerful way to follow up with listeners after they listen to our Internet-based broadcasts and shortwave programs. Pray that God will continue to give FEBC opportunities to use social media to connect with listeners.
April 24th
Please pray for the desperate, frustrated, and scared people of Russia who are struggling with a recent increase in COVID-19 cases.
April 23rd
Today, praise God that in Kyrgyzstan, FEBC broadcasts can be heard 24/7. Pray that these programs will bless listeners and bring a change to the hearts of those who have yet to receive Jesus as their personal Savior.
April 23rd
Praise God that COVID-19 has not affected Taiwan as drastically as other countries. Please pray for continued health for the Taiwanese people.
April 22nd
Pray for our team in Taiwan as they continue to seek the Lord’s guidance in creating engaging broadcasts. Pray that the hearts of listeners will turn to Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.
April 22nd
Pakistan is experiencing devastating effects from the coronavirus. Please pray for those who have been affected.
April 21st
Please pray for Christians in China, many of whom experience hardships for believing in Jesus. Pray that the messages of love and grace in FEBC’s programs will help them feel God’s love despite any challenges that come their way.
April 21st
Please pray for the COVID-19 outbreak in Mali, a country in Western Africa. The United Nations recently provided support to Mali to provide a rapid response to the health crisis.
The Living Water of Jesus
In the Burmese culture, Ye Chan Zin is a long-standing practice of leaving fresh water in clay pots under a tree to quench the thirst of farmers or travelers passing by. Thirty years ago, one of FEBC’s broadcasters from Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) decided to title his radio program Ye Chan Zin, as an illustration of the Living Water …