August 21st

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Many ethnic groups in Southeast Asia speak a language other than the national language of their home country. FEBC has long offered ethnic language programs to reach people in their native tongue, and currently broadcast in 107 ethnic languages. Pray that many will hear the Gospel and respond.

August 20th

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Pray today for Reverend Amos, the national director of our team in Malawi. May God continue to bless his efforts as he travels weekly throughout his country to visit Yao language listeners, distribute audio Bibles, and establish listener clubs.

Three Billion Reasons (Ep. 204)

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“I give God thanks for healing my heart’s wounds and rescuing my family.” These words come from an FEBC listener who has responded to God’s Word. It is estimated there are 3 billion unreached souls who still need to hear the message of redemption.  FEBC has 900 staff world-wide, dedicated to reaching the unreached. Millions respond to our broadcasts with …

August 19th

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Please pray for the staff who operate our 13 stations in the Philippines, as well as our ethnic broadcasters who prepare programs in 22 languages. May they continue to reach many different people groups living in this island nation with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

August 18th

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Praise God for FEBC programs that are now broadcast in previously unreached Moldova, where we are heard on seven radio stations. Pray for listeners to hear God’s Word and respond to His love.

August 17th

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Pray for FEBC’s work in Cambodia, where listeners can hear our programs through radio, Gospel Speaker Boxes, the internet, mobile apps, Facebook and YouTube. In this Buddhist-dominant country, pray that many will respond to God’s grace and the gift of His Son, Jesus.

August 16th

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Today, pray for the people of North Korea who are struggling with starvation made worse by torrential flooding, which has destroyed crops. Pray for both the physical and spiritual needs of the people. Pray, too, that North Koreans will tune into FEBC’s broadcasts and discover the hope of Christ.

August 15th

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Pray for our team in South Africa who are in the process of launching a radio station in Niger, which is 99.3% Muslim; several unreached people groups also live here. Pray for details to fall into place to make this new station a reality, reaching many Nigeriens for Christ.

In Memory of Jim Bowman – Former FEBC President

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Jim Bowman, former FEBC President, recently passed away on August 8, 2024. Born into a missionary family, Jim (back row on the far left) grew up in the Philippines, and began a life-long hobby of collecting butterflies. He would often say, “The transformation of a butterfly is a clever way to express the Gospel.” Following in his father’s footsteps, Bob …

August 14th

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Pray for FEBC’s radio programs in Indonesia heard in several ethnic languages. A listener recently shared: “We’re not able to attend church now, but we’re very blessed by your programs. They have been a blessing to so many.”