Stories of Lives Touched in Cambodia

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FEBC Cambodia recently shared two testimonies from listeners in the Kampong Thom and Takeo provinces. One shares how FEBC Cambodia’s programs changed her family’s life; the other, how FEBC Cambodia’s programs fuel his daily quiet time with the Lord and give him peace. C* is a young woman from the Takeo province. She has listened to Family Rado since she …

FEBC President visits South Korea and Cambodia with the Nelons


In July, FEBC President, Ed Cannon, visited South Korea and Cambodia with The Nelons, a three-time Grammy-nominated Christian group. While there, The Nelons sang worship songs and worked alongside FEBC to distribute radios, seeing firsthand the mighty work that God is doing through FEBC’s ministry. In Cambodia, the Nelons visited Angkor Wat Temple City. A video that the band shared …