Listener Stories from Japan

FEBCFEBC Blog 10 Comments

While Japan is a large, wealthy country, with over 125 million people, less than 1% of the population are Evangelical Christians. FEBC broadcasts are some of the only Christian programming in the entire region. Our FEBC Japan staff recently received two letters from grateful listeners. They share how learning about Jesus has completely changed their lives, sustained them, and given …

Letters from Japan

FEBCFEBC Blog 8 Comments

Despite being a technologically advanced country with many opportunities for people to hear the Gospel, Japan remains one of the hardest-to-reach places. So many have their hearts closed to the Gospel, which is why we are so delighted to receive some heartwarming feedback from two listeners. Ms. R*: “Years ago, I was tired of living and wanted to kill myself. …

The State of the Gospel in Japan

FEBCFeatured Video, FEBC Blog 6 Comments

As one of the most developed nations in the world, Japan is surprisingly unreached with the Gospel. Only 0.8% of the population are professing an evangelical Christian faith. This tiny number is declining as fewer young people are coming to faith in Christ. With every passing year, the average age of Christian believers is creeping higher. If this trend continues, …

An FEBC Christmas in Mongolia and Japan


FEBC’s teams in Mongolia and Japan worked particularly hard during this holiday season to spread the Word and love of Christ to their communities. Stations in both countries aired special programs, including music centered upon the true meaning of Christmas. FEBC Mongolia also distributed 150 gifts, especially warm clothing, to needy children in Ulaanbaatar. During the days leading up to …

Floods Continue to Rise in Japan and Philippines


FEBC staff in Japan have reported that they are safe despite widespread landslides and flooding resulting from some of the most devastating rainfall the country has ever seen. CNN reported that the country’s death toll reached 200 on July 12, which has prompted the UN to intervene. In the Philippines, similar water-related disasters are occurring as a result of tropical …