How Does FEBC Share Christ in Kazakhstan?

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When you live in Kazakhstan, it can be extremely difficult to understand what it means to be a Christian. Misinformation and propaganda about common Christian practices run wild in social and religious gatherings.   Sharing the Gospel with the Kazakh People  To be a Christian in Kazakhstan is often dangerous, and it’s illegal to proselytize—specifically to tell people to follow Jesus. …

Courageous Testimonies – with Victor Akhterov (Ep. 180)

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What does courage look like? In this episode we’ll paint a picture of people who are courageously sharing their faith in a hostile situation. We’ll learn how this is being lived out as Ed and Wayne welcome back Victor Akhterov, FEBC’s regional director for Eurasia. Victor fills us in on the details about an amazing outreach to Muslims. Listen as …

Reaching the Next Generation in Kazakhstan

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After decades of Soviet rule, where people living in Kazakhstan were told God did not exist and churches were shut down and destroyed—a new generation of young Kazakhs are searching for truth and discovering the Gospel.    Anar, a 21-year-old woman from Kazakhstan, wrote in to share, “Through my friend in Almaty (the largest city in Kazakhstan), I learned about your broadcast. It was …

Voices of the Future (Ep. 156)

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What will FEBC sound like in the years ahead? Keep listening as you get to sample of the voices that are shaping the future of our broadcasts. We’re continuing our series of on-location interviews from staff conferences around the world. Listen as broadcasters from India, Thailand and Kazakhstan speak in their own words about their passion and vision for the …

Breaking News out of Kazakhstan!

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Breaking news out of Kazakhstan this week has drawn the world’s attention. What started as massive protests turned violent, resulting in burned out government buildings and a request for Russia to send troops to quell the uprising. Violence has only escalated since then. Because FEBC Kazakhstan has a ministry presence in the largest city, Almaty, we asked our team to …

An International Christmas Carol

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Merry Christmas! Our FEBC broadcasters in Russia, Ukraine, and Central Asia joined together virtually to share a Christmas carol with you using local instruments! Thank you for making this ministry possible. Together, we are reaching the unreached with Gospel of Jesus Christ. Learn more about how you can pray for FEBC and our broadcasters around the world

Listener Responses from Central Asia


Every month, FEBC is blessed by responses from our listeners all over the world. Recently, FEBC received comments from listeners in Central Asia who are wrestling with everything from divorce to financial stress. Their stories provide a valuable look into how FEBC’s broadcasts touch their lives. One comment FEBC received was from Nagiva, a 64-year-old woman from Kazakhstan, who found …

FEBC Listeners in Kazakhstan Face Persecution


In Kazakhstan we are asking for prayer for local Christians who listen to FEBC and are facing persecution. The Karakalpaks are an ethnic group in Kazakhstan that listen faithfully to our broadcasts in the country. Recently, officials caught several Karakalpak Christians worshipping the Lord in a place not authorized for religious gatherings. Kazakhstan requires permits for places of worship and …