Drafted to the Frontlines

FEBCFeatured Video, FEBC Blog 12 Comments

Since Russia began its war in Ukraine, several FEBC Ukraine broadcasters have been called up by the Ukrainian military…one of them is Max. Please continue to pray for our Ukrainian broadcasters who are sharing the hope that can only be found in Jesus Christ, and thousands are responding. The work is exhausting, and funding to continue and expand is needed …

Pray for Max (4-2-2022)

FEBCFEBC Blog, Ukraine Staff Prayer 6 Comments

Over the next few weeks, we will be highlighting FEBC Ukraine staff members, detailing how you can support them through prayer. Today, please join us in praying for Max, FEBC Ukraine’s program director. Max was the cohost of FEBC Ukraine’s morning show before the war, and now hosts longer-form programs where he encourages listeners, prays with them, and reads the …