Finding Hope in the Darkest Places

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In many countries around the world, opposition to the Gospel is intensifying… but God continues to work in miraculous ways. On a recent Until All Have Heard podcast, Ed Cannon, President and CEO, shared several awe-inspiring listener stories from people living in extremely difficult places. China FEBC’s ministry began in China 80 years ago. Today there are still 443 unreached …

Losing Everything (Ep 5)

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What does it take to reach the Muslim world for Christ? Learn from the story of a man in Pakistan who lost everything when he came to faith in Christ. The rich joy in his heart is a testimony to the world that following Christ is worth the cost. In this edition Ed and Wayne discuss why the message of …

Prayer Needed as Persecution Grows for Christians in Pakistan


An urgent appeal for prayer has come to us from our director in Pakistan. He has told us persecution of Christians in his country continues to grow, especially after several events that have recently been in the news. In Quetta, in the southern part of the country, at least 2 Christians were killed and several injured when Christian workers were …

Free Medical Camps by FEBC Pakistan Sow Seeds of Faith


FEBC Pakistan recently set up free medical camps in conjunction with a youth ministry for 500 people living in the slums of Gujranwala, Pakistan. The people who live there do not even have access to basic medical care, and were extremely grateful to receive checkups for major diseases like Hepatitis, diabetes, gynecology issues and other blood diseases. The participants belong to …