Voices of the Future (Ep. 156)

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What will FEBC sound like in the years ahead? Keep listening as you get to sample of the voices that are shaping the future of our broadcasts. We’re continuing our series of on-location interviews from staff conferences around the world. Listen as broadcasters from India, Thailand and Kazakhstan speak in their own words about their passion and vision for the …

Reaching Remote Hmong Villages

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High up in the mountains of Thailand sit isolated Hmong tribes. They number around four to five million people, but most are scattered across small villages in Southeast Asia and China. Dirt roads connect small modest homes and businesses. Chickens and dogs roam around the villages, and mothers, often with young children strapped to their backs, tend gardens and sell …

Bringing Hope Home (Ep. 153)

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Is there anything in your ministry that you’d like prayer for?” “What is your hope for how God can move through these challenging days?” At a recent gathering of FEBC ethnic broadcasters in Thailand, these questions were asked. One broadcaster said: “We see a lot of challenges when we preach the Word of God…but although our enemies try to block …

Unreached in Focus: The Mon

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Most of the Mon people live in Myanmar, a country just south of China, and a small minority also live in Thailand. Their population numbers over 1.2 million, with 85% following the Buddhist faith, and only 0.9% are Christian. The Mon have a deep history in Southeast Asia. Living primarily in villages, most Mon make a life as farmers, merchants, …

Zoom Ministry to the Hmong (Ep. 47)

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During the Covid-19 crisis, two FEBC Thailand broadcasters came up with an innovative way to stay connected with their listeners despite being socially distant—Bible Studies done virtually over Zoom! Recently Ed sat down with Pastor Yung and Phairot to hear more of the incredible stories of how they serve God and proclaim the Gospel in remote, mountainous areas of Thailand …

What 6,000 Radios Look Like

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High up in the mountainous border regions of Thailand are some of the least-reached people groups in the world. Of the entire Thai population, 88% are still considered unreached (unlikely to hear the Gospel in their lifetime), while only 1% are Christian. Reached only by small dirt paths, barely wide enough for two lanes of foot traffic, reaching some of …

The Teaching that Doesn’t Lead to Death

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Mu-Ling was desperately seeking for truth. Like the rest of the Shan people—an ethnic group in northern Thailand and Myanmar—he was Buddhist and his home was filled with idols. Yet he knew there had to be more. In his own words, he was seeking “the teaching that doesn’t lead to death.” These are people who may live their entire lives …

Ministering to Buddhists in Thailand

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Thailand has a saying which goes, “To be Thai, is to be Buddhist.” For many Thai people, their sense of cultural identity feels inseparable from Buddhism, and they’ve never questioned whether its teachings are true. That’s why it came as a great surprise when the principal of a respected public school in the Buddhist-dominant region of Nakhon Ratchasima invited an …

A Courier in Thailand Discovers FEBC

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We’re encouraged every day by the stories we hear from our listeners. This month, we have a story relayed to us from Jonathan Mortiz, an FEBC staff member in Thailand, who tells the story of a young courier (seen in the picture above) who delivered a package to our Bangkok office and was persuaded to enroll in our Bible Correspondence …