Heartwarming News for Ukrainian Kids

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During a dark time for Ukraine, we just received some heartwarming news! Here’s Eduard, our FEBC Ukraine director: “Hello friends!…Good news for Ukrainian kids…” Please continue to pray for our Ukrainian broadcasters who are sharing the hope that can only be found in Jesus Christ.

Urgent Update from Ukraine – Please Pray!

FEBCFEBC Blog 37 Comments

From Eduard, Director of FEBC Ukraine:  “Just a few days ago, Russian forces broke through Ukrainian defenses in Eastern Ukraine and heavily shelled the suburbs of Donetsk. Our radio tower in this area was destroyed. It’s currently impossible to make repairs to the station.  “Donetsk is a large city in eastern Ukraine, with a population of around one million—it has …

Drafted to the Frontlines

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Since Russia began its war in Ukraine, several FEBC Ukraine broadcasters have been called up by the Ukrainian military…one of them is Max. Please continue to pray for our Ukrainian broadcasters who are sharing the hope that can only be found in Jesus Christ, and thousands are responding. The work is exhausting, and funding to continue and expand is needed …

Update from Sergey in Ukraine

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Pastor Sergey, Bible Program Host for FEBC Ukraine, shares how God has used him during the war:  “Before the war began, I was living in Kyiv with my family and hosting one of FEBC–Ukraine’s main Bible programs. It was amazing to see people responding to the Gospel and giving their lives to Christ. But when the war came, things jumped …

Update from Igor in Ukraine

FEBCFEBC Blog 15 Comments

Since the war in Ukraine began, FEBC has shared many updates from our Ukrainian broadcasting team. Now, over 2 years since the start of the war, FEBC broadcasters are giving updates on what they have experienced, where they are now, and how God is using them to minister to others. Here’s a first-hand update from Igor S., Interim Program Director …